Charles Cachoeira 3rd September 2007

Dear Sister Andersen We are so grateful for the opportunity we had to meet you all as missionaries here in Brazil, you all have done miracles down here. We have learned so much from you all. Thanks for your exemple and support. What you all have done for us will have eternal consequences! Elder Andersen, what a great man. He´s so kind and gentle. He did a great job among my people. We miss you! We are sure that you, Sister, will meet him again, it´s just a matter of time, because you all are truely saints!!! Nós estamos muito tristes, mandamos nossos sentimentos a você e sua família. Lembre-se: Os amigos no Evangelho nunca se vêem pela última vez! Continuaremos orando por você, que o Espírito do Senhor a console e seus familiares também. Nós amamos vocês!!! Um grande abraço... Família Cachoeira (Lilian, Charles e Leonardo)