Celebrating the Life of Todd Gilbert Andersen
2007 September 07
Created by RAN 17 years ago
Yesterday I reached for my cell to speed dial my dad; I had a quick question. In the same instant I reached, I wondered how he was and the answer was like lightning: dad was fine and in a good place, but nonetheless, he was unreachable by conventional means. As quickly as I'd had the impulse to reach out to him, the remembrance of his recent passing was front and center in my clouded thoughts. On one hand his death is considered victorious, with little sting, but conversely, he is permanently gone from view and the aching at odd moments is so deep...
I miss him and love him and honor the wonderful life he lived, full of service and love and uplifting accomplishment... Carry on dad in your new estate. In our parallel universe we will proudly carry your name, your values in our actions, your love forever in our hearts...
Love, Rachel Andersen Neuberger