Letter from a father to a son (-in-law) re: languages
2007 March 03
Created by Scott Hansen 17 years ago
I was taking some Russian language classes this past March, and wrote dad-Todd about my experiences. They were a fulfillment of a blessing dad (Todd) had given to me prior to my training with the FBI. I always felt that he loved me and treated my like his son, not just the man that married his daughter. He is terribly missed, and yet I am so grateful for the legacy that lives on because of the life he lived. . . . Here's the letter that he wrote back to me:
Son Scott,
I was very touched by your kind letter and am grateful for any small part I have played in bringing the Lord's blessings to you and to your family. We are very proud of you, Stin and each member of your family.
Regarding other languages. I had a special experience a few months before Zack returned from the DR in about 2001. One day I was wandering through the Distribution Center in the Joseph Smith Building in Salt Lake. I felt a distinct impression from the Spirit that I needed to learn Spanish. I had studied Spanish in the 7th grade and had almost no interest in it thereafter; but I accepted this mandate immediately. When Zack returned, I told him that I needed and wanted to learn Spanish. He had me memorize some 300 verbs at first during that summer. By fall, I wanted to be able to start reading El Libro de Mormon. He helped me pull together an adapted address book for my personal dictionary. I put in it all the words I needed as I read chapter by chapter and I was able to finish the book in about a year and a half. I continued to learn Spanish on my own largely, but with some conversational help from an immigrant librarian in Park City from Columbia.
When we were given the opportunity to serve in Brazil, I shifted my work over to Portuguese, as you know. I was able to pray in the language by the time we arrived in Säo Paulo and have continued studying the language. I know the endowment, veil and the initiatory ceremonies in the temple in Portuguese. I can read and understand most scriptures and Liahona articles. And finally I'm able to understand much of the conversation here.
Long story. Conclusion, stay close to the Lord and apply D.& C. 9:8-9. You will know which other languages to learn and their timing. Some may apply to your career, and some to future service in the Kingdom. But revelation to guide your efforts and directions is available for both.
May the Lord bless you in all your righteous endeavors. We are ever grateful that you came into our family and appreciate your righteous watchcare and influence to Stin and each of your children.
Love, Dad (and Mom) Andersen in Brazil.