Although I only knew Todd one brief summer('05) he left an eternal impression on me. He was a meek, humble man of God. I was living with Stin as we got her house ready to sell (while Scott was out East for training). I instantly became a part of the family. Todd and Margy came many times to help out. Todd loved making the kids smile...and they adored him. They included me in their family reunion. I remember what a kick he got out of watching his kids sing crazy karaoke impersonations. I loved the excitement on his face as he showed his films. It was obvious he loved life. Above all, my fondest memory was the honor of receiving a priesthood blessing from him. I will never forget it. There was such power pouring through him to me. I felt like God was speaking directly to me through him. He lived by the Spirit. His goodness radiated from his eyes when he spoke or smiled. I appreciated his warmth as we talked on many occasions. I was in awe at the deep love he had for his sweet margy, his incredible children, grandchildren, and random friends like me. I can still see his deep, interested gaze. I will always be grateful to your family for the lessons I was privileged to experience with you. They are precious to me. My prayers and love are with you as you mourn his departure and anticipate a sweet reunion one day. There is much to be grateful for! All my love, Gina Ashby